Due to the weather LCWM will release early at 12:30 pm (secondary) and 12:45 pm (elementary) today, November 29, 2022.
over 1 year ago, LCWM
Festive Sweater Fridays are back!
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
festive sweater fridays
Club's Choice product will be delivered to the Elementary School this Thursday, December 1st. Product may be picked up from 3-6 pm and will be located in the Multipurpose gym.
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Fundraiser Product Delivery
Have your kids told you about the Knightline News? In the Knightline News, 4th and 5th-grade students talk about what will be happening during the week. Students and staff enjoy watching this weekly production, and now you can too! Click the link to view. https://theknightsquad.wordpress.com/weekly-news/
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Here are this week's Noble Knights!
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Noble Knights
This year the PTO raised over $16,000 with the Club's Choice Fundraiser!  Thank you to everyone who either worked hard to sell items, people who purchased the items, and who made donations!  We greatly appreciate all of the support:)  The PTO is currently working on getting quotes for swings and a zipline and will discuss those quotes are our next meeting.  The picnic tables that the PTO ordered from last year's fundraiser have arrived and are being assembled...just in time for winter:) Thank you Shane for assembling them for us!
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Picnic tables
Sign up by December 5th to get the winter break food box.
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Backpack food program
It's not too late to sign up! If you accidentally missed the deadline to sign up for the "Angel Tree", you still have time, but not much!! If you and/or your family have special needs and/or would like assistance with gifts from the"ANGEL TREE," please email us at lcangeltree@gmail.com and include the following information: your name, address and phone number, the age and gender of your child/children and 2 gift requests per child. We do NOT need the names of the children but please be as specific as possible, especially with sizes, colors, lengths, brands, etc. Please reach out to Cindy Jacques or Crystal McCue, co-chairpersons, if you have any questions!
over 1 year ago, LCWM
Dear Parents of LCWM Students:  It is hard to believe that the holidays are right around the comer! Many families are  facing economic challenges which may make the holiday season financially difficult.  The LAKE CRYSTAL AREA "ANGEL TREE" PROJECT (a non-profit organization) and the LCWM Elementary and Secondary Schools will again sponsor the annual "ANGEL TREE." We would like to offer a sparkle of hope for every child in our school district for a joyous and Merry Christmas.  If you and/or your family have special needs and/or would like assistance with gifts from the"ANGEL TREE," please email us at lcangeltree@gmail.com and include the following information: your name, address and phone number, the age and gender of your child/children and 2 gift requests per child. We do NOT need the names of the children but please be as specific as possible, especially with sizes, colors, lengths, brands, etc.   Please, PARENTS email us as soon as possible. ALL requests are needed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!  All gift requests will be filled to the best of our abilities. Please no requests for EXPENSIVE electronic devices, games and/or harmful toys. If you know of other families with children who live in the LCWM school district only but who do not attend LCWM schools for whatever reason, please have them contact Cindy Jacques at (507) 327-0283 or Crystal McCue at (763) 516-3495.                           **PLEASE REMEMBER that there are other gift programs available in the county for families that live outside of the LCWM School district. **NOTE: There will be NO unwrapped toys or groceries available this year at the time of the gift distribution.**  A confirmation email with the date, place and time of the gift pick-up will be emailed directly to your family in early December. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please call one of the above numbers by Friday, Dec. 2, 2022. We also request that NO children, (only adults), come to the gift pick-up site, since this makes it much easier for all.  Families who choose to participate will be kept in strict confidence by those involved in the program.  We hope that Christmas 2022 will be a merry one indeed.  Sincerely,  "ANGEL TREE" Committee Cindy Jacques and Crystal McCue, Co-Chairpersons
Thank you Veterans! Secondary students and staff heard from Sergeant Michael Hintz this morning and our elementary students did a great job at their performance this afternoon! Thank you to all who have served or are currently serving!!
over 1 year ago, LCWM
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Thank you to our voters for supporting our school district and voting yes to pass the Referendum & Levy Renewals! We appreciate your continued support!! Congratulations to our newly elected board members Josh Sargent, Mike Maurer, and Kari Paul and our re-elected Ryan Jones! Thank you for Danny Schmalz and Dina Voit for filing and running also!
over 1 year ago, LCWM
The Scholastic Book Fair will be open on both Conference nights from 3-8.
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Book Fair
Found these preschoolers working hard on their Veterans Day artwork:)
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Veterans Day
Here are this week's Noble Knights!
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Noble Knights
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help provide meals to teachers at our upcoming Fall Conferences on November 17th and 21st. If you are interested and would like to help, please click the link to sign up. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094CA8A628A6F8CF8-fall Thanks, LCWM PTO
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Please join us this Thursday at 6:30 pm for our monthly PTO Meeting! Childcare will be provided.
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
PTO Meeting
A CaringBridge Site was created for Jen Ulman. It‘s a caring social network to help people stay connected with family and friends during a health event. Visit Jen's Site: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jenulman Site Name: jenulman
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Ulman's Army
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Mrs. Ulman's Class
Our elementary fall food drive starts Monday!
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Fall food drive
Support Mrs. Ulman by wearing pink tomorrow:)
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram
Wear Pink
Students and staff had a lot of fun with Halloween costumes, parties, and a parade! https://youtu.be/-Dw3M7rR9ow https://youtube.com/shorts/Vl8hiuX_8MQ?feature=share
over 1 year ago, Shayna Cram