September 26, 2021
Click HERE to view the Weekly Parent Bulletin for September 27th - October 1st.

September 22, 2021
Dig’N Pink 2021 In honor of the fight against Breast Cancer, the LCWM and St. Clair Volleyball programs are excited to announce “Dig’N Pink 2021”. This event will take place...

September 2, 2021
2021-22 Year Begins
LCWM staff members have been in to the school buildings throughout the week preparing for the start of the 2021-22 school year! The year begins for secon...

August 23, 2021
HELP ME CONNECT Help Me Connect is a website designed to help Minnesota’s families navigate local community, county, and state resources. Families and those that support familie...

August 18, 2021
Have you logged into Infinite Campus yet to update your information (online registration) yet?! Bus routes and plans for the new year are being finalized!! If you forgot your us...

August 18, 2021
In a unanimous vote, the board was in favor of the motion to allow LCWM fans into home, regular season competitions and performances at no cost for the 2021-22 school year. The B...